Well... OK, I can tell, but I can't show....
I just wanted to give you guys a little update on Andrea's stamps. I CAN NOT WAIT to be able to show you what we have so far!!! Right this minute I have 34, ready to sell, stamps! WHOOHOO!!! But I can't! She has lived with some of these characters since the 70s and they are her babies!!! Everyone has a name ( most that I can't pronounce!) They go from just plain weird (I think those are from her drugs in the 70s!!!) to some absolutely precious/beautiful fairies! And, of course, there had to be a girl with tatoos.
Some are hilarious! She showed me a couple that she came up with last night that I couldn't stop laughing over. There has got to be something that you like in all that she has so far...the varity is amazing. All are totally unique characters.
Yesterday I posted some sayings that I had come up with about princess kissing frogs to go with some of Christy Croll's new stamps. That was before I had seen them so my mental visual was entirely different from actual reality... NOT A MATCH! I absolutely LOVE what she did, PRECIOUS! PRECIOUS! But my words would probably go better with Maxine's daughter! You know, the old lady cartoon character Maxine that has something sarcastic to say about everything. (click on her name if you don't know who I'm talking about)
Well, after going out and buying $50 worth of books to learn how to draw...because I want to get what is in my brain out on paper!!! an artist friend of mine called. We haven't talked in about a year so this was kinda "out of nowhere". (like there is such a thing when God is involved with every detail of my life?!) She is an INCREDIBLE artist! Her job, all her life, has been set design, and creation, for plays and amazing wall murals. VERY HARD WORK! She is now in her 60s (70s???) and doesn't need to be climbing scaffolding and on her knees painting anymore.....soooooo, I think I finally convinced her she needs to give digital stamp making a go! I gave her my list of words from yesterday and hopefully I'll see some output soon! We may have a new digital source soon ladies!!! She is totally clueless about the PC world so it looks like I might be doing that end of it for her, at least to get her started.
The really fun part is that she is the living, breathing, true life form of Maxine! There is NO TELLING what we might see! Talk about ATTITUDE!
YEA!!!! I won a $20 gift certificate from Olivia and Company.com!!! YES I am the QUEEN! I didn't even know I was registered to win so its a good day :-) http://www.oliviaandco.com/ go buy something!
God is so good. I love it when He surprises me with these little happys. I also got a free chick fil a sandwich today ... When you pray for provision it may not come in the form you think but it works just the same!
Thought I'd share a couple websites that have TOTALLY FREE digital stuff...
The first is:
Digital Scrapbook Experts:
Every day you get an email with a link to that day's FREEBIE. I was a little bit afraid to sign up at first because I didn't want to suddenly find I was suppose to pay for something! But, I have been signed up two months now and haven't paid a penny! They have a different theme pack every month and you get a part of that pack every day. One day it might be part of the alphabet, the next a label, then back to more of the alphabet. Definitely worth signing up if you want to play with digis.
I got the two yellow "papers" on yesterday's Oatmeal and OJ card from here ... they were in a pack of 44 background papers! FREE!
Example of freebie: this is a whole set of matching can and candy wraps

I am going to list both of the following on the MAKE A GIFT challenge as well...because they both are!
Today I start to clean out the piles and piles of stamps I have collected over the years! I was a StampinUp! demonstrator for several years and I thought I had to have them all! Well! Most never even got put together! The ones that were mounted rarely, if ever, got used! Its like everything else, I like the "getting", not so much the "using".
So, now, if I ever hope to move I have got to start finding the floor again!!! I could fill up a walk-in closet of just stamps, if I were that organized!
ANYWAY, if you click HERE,
it will take you to the beginnings of my list. I only have 22 sets available right now...it is a LOT of work to just get them into my computer room and scanned!!
I am so sorry for the archaic way I'm having to do it... I don't have Web developer software anymore so I'm amazed I got anything out there!!! I feel like I'm working with two left feet! I have done all I can think of to actually display a picture on the list page but it will not do it!!! I'm sorry but you'll have to click on the name to actually see the stamps.
I promise to keep adding to the list as quickly as possible, (if I see that people are even looking at the list!).
Please understand, some things may not get taken off the list immediately when someone orders it...so if two of you order the same set before I can make updates, the first one will get it. I will email that info to you.

- DigiKit - Element-ary Stitches No. 1 - By Carina Gardner
- DigiKit - Brads - By Vinnie Pearce (you get 200 brads for $2.00) beats the heck out of making them myself !!! Actually, you can make even more than that by changing the hue... these were actually bright pink, I changed them to coral.
OK, I'm REALLY sick of this coral and brown now! Time for something different!