Trying to Make It Look Like Real Watercolor

My long term goal is to make most of what I do on the iPad LOOK like I did it on a piece of paper and I can tell already that "real" watercolor is going to be my biggest, I practiced that today.  Even with "watercolor" brushes it isn't easy!  A class would be really nice. This is actually a "window" I saw on pinterest that was really watercolored so I wanted to see if i could do it. (there was a mouse inside the window so this isn't a real copy).  Anyway,I have looked at it so long that I can't tell if I got it or not??

Then I needed to put something inside the "window" and I went with a cat... I spent about 1/10th the time on the cat because I wasn't really "working" on learning anything with it.  The good news is that everything is separate so I can always use the window for something more watercolor-y later.






Playing With Procreate for the iPad


All but the text was done using Procreate...the text (the large is MFH Poster Doodle) was added last in iDraw.